Talk is cheap,
Show me the code.
Show me the code.
I design and code imagination into reality,
and I love what I do.
Hello! I'm Rahul
Set your heart upon your work but never its reward.
-- Lord Krishna
-- Lord Krishna
I'm a Software developer. I started my journey with computers nearly 5-6 years ago.
At first, it was just Gaming and all but after that, I found "C/C++" and that was the
turning point in my life. In my University, I started learning Android myself, and after
that worked as an Android developer in startups for nearly 2 years. I wanted to make my
portfolio website, so I started with React.js and Node.js and stepped into MERN world.
Recently I started My Blogs on Blockchain look into that as well Medium.
I also play PC games in my free time very happy to team-up with you Steam.
I also play PC games in my free time very happy to team-up with you Steam.